
Adult Counselling and Psychotherapy Service

CancerHelp’s adult counselling and psychotherapy service is available to those affected by cancer: whether you have a cancer diagnosis, you are caring for a cancer patient or you have been bereaved due to cancer – our team of professional therapists are here to help. We have a wealth of experience in helping people deal with the effects of cancer and the difficulties posed by treatment. 

How to Access our Service

You can refer yourself into our service by making contact by telephone on 01772 793344 and talking to one of our staff, who will take some basic contact details and brief reasons for seeking therapy. Your details will be passed on to our adult therapy team, who will make contact with you to arrange an initial assessment of your needs. Assessment is either by telephone or face-to-face and takes no more than an hour. From there, you will be referred into our counselling service.

A referral can also come via your G.P. or health professional, the Palliative Care Team and your cancer nurse specialist.

The Service

Our service is free of charge and you will be offered up to 8 sessions of counselling, which will usually take place weekly or every 2 weeks depending upon your need and availability. We endeavour to be as flexible as possible and recognise the difficulties of dealing with cancer treatments and the effects of cancer.

Counselling sessions can be delivered either face-to-face (F2F) or remotely using computer-mediated technology such as Zoom (webcam) or by telephone if that is more appropriate. The method of delivery will be discussed at assessment. Counselling by a combination of means can be achieved if this is of benefit to you, our client, and this flexibility of approach seeks to make your counselling experience the best and most accessible it can be.

Our team of qualified therapists have many years of experience behind them and will seek to provide you with a gentle, professional and compassionate experience of counselling during what may be some of the most difficult times of your life. We are here to help you navigate your way through those difficult times. If you have any questions about our service that have not been covered here, please contact us and one of our team will be happy to help.

You will receive a warm welcome at CancerHelp. If you need help, call us today.